Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ok, So Today was not my proudest mommy day...

I thought I had the school orientation schedule all figured out today. In my mind, since both of them were on the same day and just hours from each other, it somehow got in my brain that Nick's was from 1-3pm, and Michael's was from 3-6pm. We were all prepared to leave the house around 1:30 and go to Nick's school. And when I say 'ready', I mean we were just about to walk out the door. In fact, Nick was already standing at the door. I looked again at the paper we got in the mail. "Teacher Meet and Greet from 3-6pm". WHAT?! How the eff did I mess that one up??!!Great! Not leaving when Nick was all ready to go and expecting to leave is not a good thing. Anxiety creeps up because we are suddenly not going somewhere. I had to think of a 'filler'. Somewhere to go with Nick while we waited. Autism parents will know this task very well. I came up with one that I knew would work well. Going to get some lunch from McD's. Nick LOVES Chicken Nuggets and French Fries. Hubby, sensing my frantic desperation to fill in some time due to my own mistake, did not even object. I said "Fuck it, let's go to McD's!" Now, I can recite Romeo and Juliet, or even Moby Dick, and Nick will not utter a single word. But the second I say a cuss word, he picks right up on it and says it. So, Nick said "fuck it". Not my proudest mommy moment, but at least he was using words appropriately right??! This is sadly, not the first time Nicky boy has dropped the F bomb. The day was saved by a few chicken nuggets. Hey, a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do. We have since printed out a calendar and hung it up where a certain eight year old cannot reach it and rip it to shreds. I gotta give myself a little credit though....I have managed to keep everything straight for about 4-5 months now! One slip up is not too shabby!


Unknown said...

I've had these days many times! My 9 year old autistic son has a problem with property destruction and I have to watch him when his 7 year old sister's toys are out. His favorite LEGO blocks have been chewed, snapped, and thrown across the room. I even have to lock my bedroom from him--he has broken my closet hangers and clothing rod. UGGH...I hope one day he can redirect his sensory and impulse issues on his own. I'm trying to use ABA redirect methods but he seems to "forget" that there are other ways to amuse himself. Yes it has been and still is exhausting. But as a Mom too, we gotta keep our chin up--something will always work out. :) from Gilda

Amy said...

Gilda, I so know how the broken stuff goes. What is it with our kiddos and destroying things?! Almost all of our closet doors have been taken off their hinges, cabinet doors have been broken, and countless other things have been dismantled. I know that the school routine will help with some of this stuff. You are right, it is very exhausting, but somehow things come together :)