Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hello from the frozen wasteland!!

That's sure what it felt like here the past couple of days! Tuesday night we had a round of snow,just a couple of inches,but they closed down schools nonetheless-so Michael got another snow day. By Wednesday evening that snow had melted,but we had more to come Wednesday night. Thursday I awoke to a blanket of snow on the ground once again, and Michael got to sleep in an extra two hours before going to school. By Thursday evening,the snow had stopped,but then the winds began to pick up. Temperatures fell to 15(no, I am not factoring in the winds-that was the REAL temp!)and the snow that had semi-melted,turned to ice. Today it got to freezing,so the ice is not going anywhere. Michael got his third snow day today,and we got out of work a little early. Nothing else new to report. Since the schools were closed today, we could not have Nicholas's IEP meeting that was scheduled for 11am. It has to be rescheduled for a later date. We are still giving Nick the Cod Liver Oil,and to be honest, I have noticed his speech is picking up! Today he climbed on the step-stool and began saying "Get down!" and "Nick NO!" He has also came up to daddy,led him by the hand to the fridge,and then said "Cup" or "Eat". He is not having any adverse reactions to the oil, so I figure it cannot hurt him. I give him 1/2 tsp. and I mix it with his cup of PediaSure. Sounds gross,but he seems to like it. I promised Michael I would take him to a movie this weekend so he can have some MOMMY time to himself. I already did the grocery shopping today,so I have THREE WHOLE DAYS to spend with my boys! I took some pictures of Nick tonight at dinner time. I thought this was hilarious when I saw what Nick had done with his goldfish!

He LINED them up! A typical "autie" trait...but funny anyways!

Hey,it happens to be FUN lining up my crackers, so what of it??!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


It has been quite a week of upheaval, and it is only TUESDAY! I am back at work, Michael is back in school, and Nick is back in therapy. WHEW! I think I liked it better when I did not have to work! Nick's little life has been turned inside out and he is letting us know how he feels about the whole situation. He is on somewhat of a hunger strike. His therapists want us to try and get him to feed himself more often with a spoon-right now,that involves alot of screaming. Dont even think about getting him to feed himself anything other than yogurt-he refuses. Right now, he is barely eating at all. He wont take a nap during the day(Mike has tried without success) so by the time I get home,he is at breaking point. I think it is a combination of transitioning, and the terrible twos. He is trying to have some control over his life,and the only ways are naps and food. It is very frustrating-but that goes with any two year old. He is using more words! Today he came up to me and said "Up please". He is also saying more words in today he said "Happy" and kept saying "Cup". He has also started to get on the computer! As you can see from the pictures above!

As for me, I am just trying to keep up with everything! Between work, studying for TSgt., and things at home, my life can get hectic very quick. I finally got all the laundry done, and even most of it is put away! We have a meeting with the school board on Friday to discuss what will happen with Nick next month. I have sent off the registration for him to get into the autism program at UW(University of WA). On my first day back at work I was given a whole bag full of presents for the boys. Apparently, someone in my squadron put their names on the "Angel Tree" in the BX, and they recieved about 6 more presents each! Part of me is very grateful that someone thought of us, but then I think there are other kids who could have used the toys more than them!

This weekend I need to buy a new calendar-we are at a loss without that thing! We are also implementing a chore chart. I simply cannot do everything around here, and Michael is old enough to help(he is also now BIG enough). I also might take Michael to a movie or something. I need to reconnect with him again so that he does not feel left out. We are constantly doing things with Nick and paying him attention, that Michael gets kind of lost in the shuffle sometimes. I dont like that it happens, but it just does. He is a great kid and deserves to have some one-on-one time. Here is a picture of him in Florida: