Nick was all smiles this morning as I told him he was going to ride the bus to school today. Looking forward to another whole year of progress! I have so much more high hopes going into this school year than the last one. He has changed so much for the better since going to his current school. True, he did regress a tad over the three week break from his summer school, but he should be able to pick all that back up fairly quickly. This year, we have everything in place. This year, he will get to use the swimming pool at school for physical therapy-which I know he will LOVE. This year I have also signed him up for the Special Olympics. It is going to be a good year, I can feel it!
Now that I have both the boys off to school, I am now faced with what to do with my time?! Any suggestions?
Hi Nick
My name i sJenna and I came across your site. You are a brave warrior, smilen champ, Courageous fighter, Inspirational Hero. Special miracle from god, a precious gift from above. A handsome earthly angel.
I am so Happy Nick was very happy to go to school this year.
I was born with a rare life threatening disease, developmental delays, 14 diagnosis. I have bipolar Obsessive Compulsive disorder, and sensory processing.
Hi Jenna!! We are very happy to hear from you!! You are a beautiful special angel as well :)
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