I know I am a little late on that, but better late than never right?? Our New Year's Eve was pretty low key. We are not really your partying type...if you have not noticed LOL.
The boys went back to school on January 2nd. Two days later Nick came down with a pretty decent cold and stayed home for the next few days. That week was all screwed up anyway because we had a blast of cold and snow (mostly cold. wind chills were a brutal -20f!) and the schools were closed(!!) Tuesday, and had a late start Wednesday. I kept Nick home until Thursday anyway because the kid could barely muster any strength to stay up for any length of time. By Thursday, everything was back to normal routine.
I had a meeting with our county care management, and nothing is changing with that. We are still going to get 10 hours a week with his support staff-which he loves. His BCBA will also be designing some trials/goals for him to start working on while he is here with Nick. On Wednesday I had a meeting with Nick's team at school. Unfortunately, his aggressions are going up once again. He was only at 8 per day and now he is at 16 per day. Everything else they reported was going great! So, maybe it was just that his schedule has been all wonky and once we get settled into the year, things will go down again. We hope so anyways!
Last weekend I noticed he was having some fairly decent staring spells. The kind where he will not respond to you. He had about three of them that I was able to notice, and I am fairly certain he had some yesterday. He is already taking Depakote, so it's really just a watch and see thing. He has another neurology appt set up for the beginning of April. Of course, if things get worse we will not wait for that appt.
I am starting back to school after having a nice 6 week break. Taking a full load of classes again this semester. Michael wants to take piano lessons, and do spring hockey. 2014 looks to be just as busy as 2013 was. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!