This is why we are seeing a neurologist. He is having a lot of these little episodes recently. The video is around 12 minutes long, but gives a good visual description whereas words just cannot do it.
Despite these, the potty training is going really well!! He is down to one accident the past two days and is now coming to get us when he has to go! Thanks to everyone for all their support!!
I suspect that when they discover the varous sub-types of autism your Nick and my Sam will probably have the same type. Sam also has odd episodes when he falls asleep and in his sleep. He had an abnormal eeg but no confirmed seizures yet. good luck with the neurologist
Thanks Emma! I did not know that your Sam had these too? Nick has had an EEG a few years ago that was 'normal'; but we are having another one on the 26th. We are also finally going to do some chromosome testing on him as well on the 12th. Hopefully they can give us just an inkling of good news....maybe.
My cousin's son is having these little tics and now possible bedtime seizures also. I hope you get a better picture of what's happening after you see the neuro.
I do too! These are happening all throughout the day, just at bed time he was in one place so I could easily catch them. Not sure if this is related or not, but he did sleep for about 4 hours this afternoon. He was awake at 5am this morning, had a huge meltdown at 6am, and had fallen asleep once already before his 4 hour long nap. Which, in and of itself is unheard of. It could be medication related, but right now I am just not sure. Leaning more towards seizures being that his moods really do swing at the drop of a hat.
We have an MRI scheduled for this Tuesday...
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