Sunday, December 13, 2009


What is it with Nick and Doors??!! Seriously. We have numerous doors that are either cracked or falling off their hinges. Trying to keep him from doing this is a herculean effort. Every fricken room has at least two doors (closet door and entry door), with the kitchen and bathrooms having even more with cabinets. This has been going on in earnest for over a month now. Leave. the effing. doors. alone! This has been the one thing lately that is literally driving me insane. We get done distracting him from one door, and he just moves on to another door somewhere else in the house. It is neverending. Doors are everywhere. They must be open. They must be closed. They must be slammed against the walls when you open them. Some have the added bonus of making unusual noises as they slam against the baseboard heaters. You can imagine what repeated slamming does to a door. If you can imagine that, then imagine what repeated slamming is doing to my sanity.


Anonymous said...

My son also used to do that! At that time, we told him sometimes that the door had to be left open, and eventuall he would calm enough to leave them open. Depends on the kid, though. YOu know you child better than anyone

Amy said...

Thanks A. I am hoping this phase passes quickly, but I know just as soon as this one passes; another one will enter! Oh well. At least now he is happy most of the day and not screaming.