Friday, November 06, 2009

Fall is here...

You know how I can tell? Not from the thousands of red,brown, and yellow leaves that have taken over our neighborhood; oh no. I can tell from the cold viruses that have taken up residence in our house. We have gone through 3/4 of a bottle of Children's Tylenol. Nick gets green goop everywhere. He gets the concept of blowing his nose, just not when there is a tissue in front of it. You can imagine what we end up with. It's not a pretty sight. Michael has made it through this week and I am glad to report that he has been headache free. Nick's nose is as red as a firetruck, and the area around his mouth and chin are raw from his constant rubbing. At least he is eating still.

Moving on to better news. We got a call from Maxim a couple of days ago. They are the company that provide us with all of Nick's services. Including respite care. For those who are not familiar with respite care, it is a system that provides parents of disabled children qualified people to watch their special needs children while the parents can go out and get a break. Our respite provider called this week offering us a chance to go out Saturday!! Holy Sh*T I am so excited!!! To go out with hubby to a movie and possibly even dinner! Do such things even exist anymore?? Going to cut this post short for now. Have to get Nick ready for school and run some errands myself.


M said...

Is it wrong to giggle at the blow your nose w/o a tissue concept? Because I did have to visualize anv giggle.

And RESPITE CARE? Oh holy happy unbelievable beauty! *swoon* Whatever you do TAKE IT!!! (Just do something inside I forgot we hit monsoon season!)

Amy said...

No M, it is not wrong to giggle at the tissue mishaps!! I am happy that he is finally getting over it. Oh yes, respite WAS beautiful and just what was needed!! Hubby and I went out to a movie, got some Quiznos, and went to Barnes and Noble. It was grand!!