Saturday, February 19, 2011


February has been the best! First off, Nick has been having some really good WEEKS of therapy!! That's right, I said WEEKS. Not days, but WEEKS! He is getting high scores on all his programs and there have been days where he gets everything done and has time to go to the park! My little rockstar!

Second-we celebrated his SEVENTH birthday! It was an all weekend affair. It started off on Saturday afternoon when we went to the ice rink. Nick had not been ice skating since his surgery in January due to swelling. He was very happy about this and let everyone in the rink know it. He was the loudest kid on the ice. After ice skating we went out to grab something to eat before the ice show was to start. By this time it was pouring down rain, and we had to change Nick. But, the thought of dealing with all the screaming in a public bathroom while getting odd looks from people because I am changing a seven year old's diapers was not something I wanted to deal with. But it was also pouring down rain. Decisions. I decided to change Nick in the car. More comfortable for him; and it was his birthay so why chance ruining it?
After a fresh set of pants, we made our way inside for some pizza. That's right...PIZZA. Nick now eats, and rather enjoys, pizza. He ate two slices and drank his milk from a big cup. Ahhhh, a socially acceptable outing. He almost blended. After dinner we headed back to the rink to watch the show. The only drawback was Nick kept taking his shoes off. Oh well. Pick your battles. It was a losing one with the shoes-so we just waited until we were leaving to put them on. This was a good day. Nick was happy.
Sunday we celebrated his birthday. I baked a cake and wrapped some presents. This year he got trains and cars. We put his small train track together and he had a blast pushing his trains on it. Could it be??? That after FIVE years my son is PLAYING with toys the RIGHT way??! Even better....he unwrapped his OWN presents and ATE his cake!! It was the BEST I tell you! I will take all the good days I makes those tough days easier to handle.

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