Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring has sprung!!!

Enjoying better days!

Today was a day for chores. We started the morning with a few tears over yogurt. Nick saw the yogurt in the fridge and decided he wanted some. But, he could not get the words out. He got frustrated, but I continued to work with him to get him to say "yogurt". He started talking in jibberish,but I just told him "I don't understand jibberish...use your words". A few frustrating moments later he finally said "yogurt". I praised him and he of course got a container of his favorite pink Dora yogurt.

After that, I got him dressed and we practiced brushing his teeth with his new toothbrush. Michael also got a new toothbrush yesterday. Nick seemed to do a little better if I let him hold the toothbrush and he helps brush his teeth. He still hates it, but did not object too much(afterall, it is a "rule" that we brush). This afternoon, Mike and Michael did the yardwork. Boy is it easier now that Michael can help out with things!! Michael swept up the clippings and helped daddy with the pressure-wash. I am looking forward to summer time. Taking the kids to Wild Waves and to the zoo when the days are nice and warm! We had such a good time last summer. Michael is going to soccer camp again in August. This time he gets the option of going a full day-we will see. We might even make it over to Spokane this summer and see what we can do there!

More pictures on the picture blog!

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